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9-11 and Terrorism:
A Call For Poems and Short Essays,
from a Buddhist or Taoist Perspective

Like the attack on Pearl Harbor to which it has been compared, it is a time for us to remember those who died in an unsuspected act of war, and also a time for us to reflect on war and the suffering that war brings.

The Golden Lantern is a submission site for original Buddhist and Taoist poetry whose home is New York City. We wish to remember 9-11 and actively seek poems and short essays from our readers, which we will publish here. If you wish to contribute a poem or short essay, you may address any aspect of this tragedy that you wish. We ask only that you do so from a Buddhist or Taoist perspective, in a way that you think will be interesting or helpful to our readers.

I have written a short essay, The Anniversary of 9-11: A Buddhist Approach. Shortly after the tragedy occurred, I also wrote a poem, below. Dave and I hope that other pieces from our readers will soon follow, which we will add to this page. If you do not wish to contribute a poem or essay, but have some thoughts that you would like to share with us and our readers — including reactions to the printed pieces — please feel free to write a letter to the editor at letters@thegoldenlantern.com, which we will print in the Letters section.

Submit your 9-11 poem or essay to

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When Terrorists Camp on the World, by Paul Dolinsky