The Awakened*
Homage to the awakened
for they alone wage war upon
the poisoned, human mind.
With the Dhamma as their raft
they have crossed the sea of samsara,
never to return to the other side.
He who has awakened
takes refuge in silence
and the sanctuary of samahdi.
Rare is the human that hears.
Rare is the truth that is heard.
Rarer still are those that know.
Extinguish the flames of hatred.
Water the seeds of love.
Kill nothing but your own mind.
This is the law of the Tathagata.
Nibbana is at hand
for those who refuse to fail.
It is no more than a dream
to those lost in slumber.
Harm no one.
Live in awareness.
Stray not from the middle path.
This is the law of the Tathagata.
If even the sky should rain gold,
desire will not arise
in one who has awakened,
for he has seen the suffering
that hides behind pleasure,
and so he seeks to destroy it.
Though one may seek shelter
in the forest or in caves,
in mountains or temples of gold,
there is nowhere to hide from sorrow.
Take refuge in the Three jewels
and awaken to the four noble truths.
Sorrow exists.
Sorrow was born.
Sorrow can be killed.
The eightfold path
is the sword with which we slay it.
The awakened are more precious
than any jewel.
The Earth herself bows before them.
Blessed are they
and the law of the Tathagata.
Blessed are those who walk the path
with vigilance and determination.
With the awakened as our guides
let us cross the sea of samsara,
never to return to the other side.
* "The Awakened" is Aren Aizen's translation of
canto 14 of the Dhammapada.