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dead still morning
we're filled


approaches we know


step from the plank edge empty
flat-boat ferry
rough cut raw junk-wood
re-used nails                               some bent


looking out


seven white stupas
glare and glint of distant copper roof
mountains walking along the water


crisp air intake
breath in warm sun
old Brahmaputra's* silent rumble
break-quiet chugging
black soot ferry engine


why one morning
keeps returning after all


sudden engine cut-out
slow grinding silence                   stuck on a sandbar



                               in place


how the mind enters a river-boil
        deep things below


* The Brahamaputra is a river, about 1800 miles in length, which flows from the Himalayas in Tibet to the Ganges Delta in E. India.


Copyright 2003 by David Tilley