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In a far field

one finds the hay stacked
     neatly into ricks   there is
no mystery here     accept
     fix-up   all furnishings   fallen

into disrepair    only red-winged
     blackbirds to witness   single
stress-driven      sojourns into    just
     one mix-up     at a time

in a far field    it is all planned
     out    in context    as if nature has no
say in the diagram   no dime but
     neatness counts   next to godliness

count on the god of nature
     to muss it up   like a child's
thick   head of hair   prepared to
     flick it   and muss it once again

one senses an orderly progression
     but don't count on it   nature
revolves with all due deliberation
     but there is myriad   and magic

and sweet despair     in a far field
     the ricks   are slick and square and tall
but oh to be a child again and again
     to jump    and dive   and fall


Copyright 2008 by James Downs