In that space between spaces
people gravitate naturally
there are some bleached wild horse bones
next to fresh dung.
Digging through the balls of undigested grasses
Scarabid beetles lay eggs.
[Editor's note: I think that our readers would appreciate
Kirk's response to my question. "As for your note on
spelling a common name of beetles from the Scarabidae family,
you're right. Most people refer to them as scarab beetles, but
in the entomology nerd circles, we often shorten the family
name into Scarabid. We tend to talk about invert critters in
shortened family names, which is not common language
Science is filled with such field-specific garbage, and at times
I forget these things in my creative writing. Please, for the
sake of expanding my writing horizons, change Scarabid to scarab."
Editor: "Scarabid is just fine, I think we can
all agree!"]