Preta Buddha
(This poem was inspired by reading the Zen newsletter "Prairie
Wind". A man in a Zen group in prison asks the Roshi: "What
should my action be when surrounded by darkness and evil?"
The Roshi replied: "Usually when surrounded by 'Tigers',
one should be a Tiger. But in your case, since you don't want
to be like them, you should be an 'Elephant'. Walk like an elephant
keeping a positive and bright aura against darkness.")
(Prairie Wind is published by the Nebraska Zen Center, Heartland
Temple, headed by Rev. Nonin Chowaney, OPW Head Priest. The
article, "In a Dark Place", by Tonen O'Connor, inspired
the poem.)
The private man, alone, to himself.
Living Preta Buddha.
No bodies business, but his.
Thinking his own private thoughts.
answers to no one, cept self.
Understands all, and gestalts it.
Hearing only Wungong.
Knowing that it is his calling.
His response in his own druthers.
In harmony & balance.
Existing not in accordance.
Individual walking about.
Going where & when he wants;
As per, in existance, just self.
To others; unconcerned,
Mind me not, as I'm not you.
Heeding not to others.
Preta Buddha, like an elephant.