10,000 Mile Railroad Track
Submitted for the "Year of the Dragon", Febuary
4th, 2000. A sijo poem.
Ekayana--One vehicle
Search for.
Last one out, 10,000 buddas,
City changed the "Door" out!
Five years old as Rory Calhoune.
Callaway went "That-a-Way".
Mystery, Non-Existence;
by Hsuan-tsang,
Discovered one mo. before
publish date, search 20 yrs.
First Card, recieved for purchase
rebate coupon for free pie.
In a dream delivered from
west to east, oceans rain storm.
Wei-Wu-Wei, action of non-action
Without thoughts, ashes grey.
Braided rope, Shinto Shrine.
Sitting still. The secret way.
Journey end, Dharma Temple
Laksana, found Asat.
Game Ended, Continuous, endlessly:
in my own den.
Quit chasing the sun from the sky;
sky set, moons gone, arriving home.
Year of the Dragon 2000