The Moment Gods of Desire
There are poems on desire,
desire satisfied,
Poems of those who ride their desires
or try to hide from them.
Is there a better way
than to double up on pain,
Or lose yourself in afterglow of gain,
letting the dross from things
caress you?
Events and emotions
Will mold you to their nature,
if you let them.
Does this suit you,
Being linked, unthinking,
To things that surround you,
To those you choose,
those you'd rather lose,
And to those that choose you,
then chew you up?
You need not wait on things,
nor wish for them.
In the seriality of moments,
there is mutuality.
If one learns to wait
And watch desires rise and fall,
and hold no desire through it
Things may open toward you,
As the words "Open to me"
freeze on your lips.
Each moment is always new,
It staggers out to greet you like a
Disclosure cannot be forced,
by command or magic spell,
But if your mind is still,
things may reveal themselves to you.
As the mind grows clear,
there will be no darkness nor fear,
And when there is no darkness,
All is light,
the light, which is enlightenment.
With mindfulness,
go acts of kindness toward
all living beings.
We all wear each other's rings,
and listen as each one sings
Their songs of rise and fall,
pilgrims, all.
With the ascent of sentiency,
arose millions of beings,
With multitudes of senses and awareness,
Each species precious,
none specious.
And there arose humans,
With the capacity for responsibility
and awareness,
Developing over many lifetimes,
Each lifetime spacious, precious,
none specious,
Many lifetimes to observe
and get things right,
With minds that are quiet
and filled with insight.
moment is always new,
staggers out to greet you like a child.