singing bliss
it's the Bliss that pinches
Grief in the ass & won't let go
without a fight
one divine fool can stumble merrily into a crowd,
swaying & listing unsteadily
while singing the names of god
at the top of his lungs,
all the while
pouring that goofy bliss
into the hearts of those
who like to listen
be healed by the sound of the sun
but there're always a few grouches
in the joint, broken-hearted
& threatened by joy
who try to silence the fool's song
slam & lock the door!
or drown it out with their own
fierce yowls
of pain.
these guys are the same ones who shush
happy children at play
& would sooner steal their toys
than endure
the agony of another's innocent fun.
sometimes they even board up their own windows
to prevent the sun from shining its light
into their rooms.
but what are all these petty strategems
to a staggering old fool who's been drinking with god again,
singing heartily the divine's own light?
the arrows & insults, the locked doors & barricaded
only deliver the true grief cries,
those silent invitations
to sing ever louder, ever louder,
& to kiss each angry heart
with the crazy lips of love.