Yin and Yang 101
I'm Mr. Yang, a simple man
yearning for what all
[good] men yearn for.
Ms. Yin, if you have hands
will you hold my hand?
and if you don't have them
will you have my hand?
Having your hand, as beautiful as it sounds,
would devastate not only you and me,
but human beings universally.
If I marry a Mr. Yang... I will become a
Mrs. Yang.
The universe is
Yin and Yang
Woman and Man
Not yang and yang.
Women are just as
important as you are,
you misogynist!
Yes, my beloved, I surely do know that.
No need to lecture me on Universal Law,
And my intent was not to boast, but to declare
my care for you - my despair without you.
What if I told you, you could keep your name,
madam? Would you then have my hand?
Forever to hold, until we wither and grow old.
I may take your hand and lace it into my own,
But having it, taking it? That would just throw
off the balance of the universe. Isn't it enough
that we coexist? Let us not become one in vows
of eternal love. Please resist your temptations,
that's not very Yang of you. If anything, I should
be the temptress, the luster, the self-indulger.
I represent dark energy, after all.
But, miss... you don't see what I mean!
We are one, the same... but of varying degree.
Further balance would be achieved,
If you were to marry me.
More balance? Balance is about middle paths,
not more, more, more! You greedy, greedy man!
Oh, I get it. Your mind and heart are at war.
These are all just phony excuses - no need
to use them on me, my beautiful seraph,
my flawless faerie.
Once more, will you marry me?
I will not marry thee. No!
You kill me with your rejection.
You jab bee stringers into my aorta.
Oh, what a woe you have
bestowed upon me.
Mr. Yang, clearly devastated and heart-torn
flees to a faraway place, forlorn
No one has heard from him since
And this is why our world is so
full of torment and violence.
Only a yin. Refusing to love
her other half, ignorant to
the oneness and duality
of their union.