Looming Air
Think of the universe as one charm-sized heirloom
necklaced around an entity's neck going from one
layer of surreality to the next.
Think of the universe as an ant carrying an insect
ten times its size. The equivalent of a moon-sized
hand cradling the globe.
Think of the universe as an isolated eyelash on an
infant's cheek crying out to the wind to be transported
elsewhere. Anywhere.
Think of the universe as a blind man who is unaware
of his blindness, but aware of the majestic presence
of a mountain.
Think of the universe as a mindful brainless human,
a five senseless, sixth senseful all-knowing being
that needs no eyes to see.
We are all atom-sized heirlooms within charm-sized
loom of heir, around a grand-entity's throbbing
translucent neck.
Grandentity is comfortably positioned in womb of
naturemother, layers and layers of colors and