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Althea, Althea,
You're always on my mind.

You're a big bouquet of flowers,
So purple and white,
Flowing out of Mother's breasts
Into Father's loving sky!

The beams of your smiles
Are a pure Thanksgiving
That David the King could have lyred!

Girl, you're the Rose of Sharon
And the Lily of the Valley.

So many were your lovely songs
You couldn't sing them all:
So I brought some home,
And my vase overflowed
Underneath my lowly roof.

But somehow it was not the same
As when they rose at Nature's call
To interpenetrate with All.

Althea, Althea,
You're always on my mind.

You're a big bouquet of flowers,
So purple and white,
Flowing out of Mother's breasts
Into Father's loving sky!


Copyright 2008 by Lee Evans