Whosoever denies himself
Denies the error of his ways;
Denies the evil thereof,
The blind will to live;
Relies upon that Good
Which is not himself.
Whosoever denies himself
Denies because the self
Is but a vain imagination:
For all thoughts and deeds
Rely upon that Good
Which is not oneself.
Whosoever denies himself
Must realize that self
Has no existence all along:
For self is not the Spirit
That is breath of that Good
Which is not himself.
Whosoever denies himself
Has picked up the Cross
And found it empty as the Tomb;
Has nothing to deny;
Desires nothing but that Good
Which is not himself.
Whosoever denies himself
Attains Nirvana here and now,
And wanders as a dead man
Who knows no limitations:
Who is as dead to self
As a wind chime or tumbleweed.
Whosoever denies himself
Ascends with rejoicing
Into the Heaven of Heavens,
Yet dwells here among us,
Doing nothing but that Good
Which is not himself.