Sorrow and Happiness
(Based on a story by Ven. Master Hsing Yun)
There was an old lady
Who cried everyday,
Whether it was rainy
Or whether it was shiny!
She had two daughters,
One married to a noodle maker,
Another to an umbrella maker.
Everyday she was worried about her daughters
When it was bright and shiny,
She was worried about her older daughter
Not being able to sell umbrellas,
Which made her sad and cry.
When it was gloomy and rainy,
She was worried about her little daughter
Not being able to dry noodles and sell,
Which made her sad and cry.
The old lady was sad everyday.
She cried when it was bright and shiny,
She cried when it was gloomy and rainy.
Everyone called her a "Crying Lady"
One day she met a Buddhist monk
Who asked the cause of her grief.
On being told about her grief,
He gave her a way to make her happy.
On hearing the lady was excited,
The monk told her to change her perspective,
And be happy when it was rainy,
And be happy when it was shiny,
The monk told her to think of the older one
When it was gloomy and rainy,
And think of younger one
When it was bright and shiny
When it is rainy think of the elder one!
For she sells more umbrellas
And becomes wealthy and prosperous.
So be happy for her when it's rainy.
When it is bright and shiny,
The younger one makes and sells more noodles,
And becomes wealthy and prosperous.
So be happy for her when it's shiny
The old lady saw the light.
Soon she stopped crying.
She was happy and smiling.
Her face was bright.
The old lady was happy everyday.
She smiled when it was bright and shiny,
She smiled when it was gloomy and rainy.
Everyone called her a "Smiling Lady."
We have worries, problems and needs,
Changing our view is all we need
To transform our worries
And problems into happiness and fortunes.
May all beings be happy.