Heaven and Hell
Is there a heaven? A hell?
Both heaven and hell exist.
Heaven is where heaven is,
And hell is where hell is.
Heaven and hell does exist,
in human realm.
In one's mind,
And in one's thoughts.
They exist not outside!
Pure thoughts in one's mind
Make any place a heaven.
Unwholesome thoughts
Make any place a hell!
A single thought can take one to heaven.
A single thought can bring the hell to one.
Heaven or hell,
Is all in a single thought!
When we are in good mood,
Everything around us looks beautiful
When we are in bad mood,
Everything around us looks ugly!
When in good mood,
We are in heaven.
When in bad mood,
We are in hell!
Mind keeps changing moods
Sometimes good and sometimes bad
We keep moving between heaven and hell
Many times in a day!
Heaven and hell are in our mind,
It's not found outside of our mind.
A single thought can you lift you up from hell
Another thought can throw you back to hell
Suffering comes from comparing mind,
Misery follows and one is in hell.
Non-comparing mind brings happiness
And peace and one is in heaven!
May all beings be happy.