Solitary Flight
I sought ...
a "normal life" once,
but it deluded me.
I found there
is no normal for me,
never was,
never will be!
Always somewhat
separate and apart,
I navigate along
the outskirts,
bypassing much,
missing nothing.
A silent witness to
the joys and sorrows
of humankind, my kind ...
I comfort where I can
offering compassion
and understanding,
but I allow others
to find their own way.
all that is needed
is a guiding word
or loving touch.
I find myself in
a world of which
I am a part, yet
most often I am
a stranger here.
as a bird in flight,
seeing far,
I soar mostly,
occasionally to alight.
Most, search their
entire lives
for meaning,
but flying free,
I see endless
rivers of it.
Rivers of tears,
of laughter.
Rivers of sorrow,
of joy.
Once I tried
to grasp a bit
of happiness,
but the idea of it
slipped by me.
Now, I try
not to cling to
concepts too tightly.
For I know I would
be reminded quickly
of the impermanence
of things,
and that change
is ever constant.