Same Source
What moves this
summer storm across
the night sky,
so powerful and full of might?
This awesomeness ...
is Primal Essence.
Think of this ...
all things as energy.
We are all energy!
Now, clear your mind,
see all things as ONE,
(what you may call God)
all Primal Essence.
See the storm
moving across the sky?
It is one big energy field.
The lightening strikes you see ...
well, they are nothing more
than you and me!
We are ...
that energy,
Primal Essence,
from the same source as
that massive energy field
moving across the sky.
We are ...
individual expressions of
that same source,
Primal Essence,
all connected, all alive
with creative energy.
The thunderous
clap you hear,
with our denials.
We fight our oneness,
as we nurture our egos.
Now ... when you
look at me, try to see
that Primal Essence.
We are not
so very different,
you and me!