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The dismantling of what matters

     a breeze picks up over the coast heading inland

I tell you    I don't know
for sure    but we are in for a storm

pieces of all we have come
to value    to hold    close to
tie in a box and mark
"special"    are being pulled away    one by
one    on a tide that started as a tiny
vortex of turmoil

     a breeze picks up and shifts over land

it's as if    as entities we are
collections of molecules straining at
the borders of tender skin
slipping off and dissolving into
the surf

I don't know    but that
we aren't just    a    series of
flotsam and jetsam    tied
together only by our dreams

and somewhere in that surf    that
storm    is what we are made of

     a breeze speeds up    heading in


Copyright 2006 by James Downs