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up and up
(an ode)

i wish to climb and climb
having left this morning's
warm bed    very early
and dragged myself up and out
into the morning dark
hiking up a 2.5 mile trail near
our valley    with mountain
on one side    and nothingness
on the other

at one stop for breath in
thin mountain air    i peer
over the edge    but cannot
see anything    in the dark
i climb on    slow steps
one by one    matching
the morning's ratchet up
of light    at the next stop
i can just make out the outline
of a public swimming pool
below    out back a park hotel
still i climb    one foot before
the other

in awhile  i notice
in the receding night    that
my breath begins to match
my pace    and tension flows
out my shoulders    and dissolves
into the path    i am upon
an earthen sea    and moving up
climbing    climbing
mountain on one side
much below on the other
seen    only when tentative
eyes adjust    and i keep
climbing    one foot before
the other    into the light


Copyright 2006 by James Downs