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What the World has to give         a Zen lyric

What the World has to give     I can surely give
What the sky says in sound    I can surely say
What the day has in store       I can surely live
                                    What the World has to give
                                    What the World has to give

When I stumble     my feet give out
When I grumble     my mind gives out
When I tumble      my friends lift me up too
                                    What the World has to give
                                    What the World has to give

If there is noise     there comes serenity in sand and stone
If there is fear     there comes symmetry of breath
If there is loss     there comes gain by what I give
                                    What the World has to give
                                    What the World has to give

What the World has to give is everything
What the World has to give is everything
What the World has to give is everything
(to fade)


Copyright 2012 by James Downs